Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What is organic? Why organic? Simple. It's healthy food

 What is organic? Why organic? Its a question many people are asking about especially considering the fact we're living in 2013.

Its not that organic foods hold an ancient magic inside them that will suddenly turn you into a human with perfect health and full of energy. Don't get me wrong, organic food, or health food as some call it is amazing in every way and will better the health and life of everyone who partakes in eating them. Just, for a different reason you might think. Your still probably asking the question "why organic?", why should I eat organic foods when they're more expensive than the regular food that is just as good?

The secret behind organic foods improving peoples lives as much as they do is simply because of HOW EXTREMELY DAMAGING "normal" food is to ANYONE'S body. Your body, your loved ones body, yes, even your own children's body.

Why organic? Wouldn't it hurt me just as much as normal food? Hell no. Normal food as we call it contains a lot of things you don't want going inside of your body.

Ingredients banned in countries around the world, but NOT the USA:

 BHA and BHT
 Synthetic hormones: rBGH and rBST
 brominated flour
 Brominated vegetable oil
 blue 1, blue 2, yellow 5, and yellow 6

This is really scary stuff no matter who you are. EVERYONE eats food right?

 This looks like an ANTI SMOKING AD for god sakes, and yet these are rather common ingredients all found in non-organic foods. Especially pre-packaged foods, and already prepared meals. A lot of people can't afford to pay for the absurd price for organic food, but now you don't have to worry! There's a guide I've used for for over 2 years now to grow my own organic food and it has improved my life significantly!

********    And no, there are not hot local singles looking to hook up in the link :P

And those are just the additives to food. I won't even go into round-up soaked fruits and veggies that happen to be genetically modified round-up resistant. Too bad humans aren't.

What people simply call "health food" isn't really healthy for you, its just normal compared to all the HAZARDOUS food we eat instead. Think training weights. If you have big heavy weights on your ankles all day, its going to feel pretty damn good to take them off. Healthy food is the same, when you eliminate the training weights with organics you'll restore your body to how it should be.

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