Sunday, June 23, 2013

What is kratom? What are the effects of kratom?

What is kratom?

The main active compound in kratom is 7-hydroxymitragynine, which is a μ-opioid receptor agonist. There are very few naturally occurring sources of μ-opioid receptor agonists in nature, in fact before kratom was studied, there was thought to be only one.

The effects of kratom are similar to your typical opiate drugs. Euphoria, sense of wellbeing, relaxation, pain relief, etc. Kratom is unique in the sense that different doses provide a very different range of effects. In lower doses, kratom is stimulating and mildy euphoric, usually used for hard work days and to stave off fatigue. Its used in this manor very regularly in Southeastern Asia, the area kratom is native to. In higher doses however, kratom becomes very sedating and highly euphoric. The user experiences muscle relaxation, powerful waves of euphoria, and a very strong sense of wellbeing similar to the feeling attained from the sweet embrace of a lover.

 Kratom is legal in virtually the entire western world. Kratom can completely replace medication taken by chronic pain patients, and VERY effectively cure addicts of their addictions. Kratom has been used to cure withdrawing addicts in southeast asia for centuries, it is tried and true.

 Recent and future studies of kratom is a very exiting field, as kratom has not been scientifically studied until only very recent years. Previous to kratom, the only known source of opiates was the poppy plant, or papaver somniferum. Every pharmaceutical and illegal opiate on earth are produced from the opium poppy. Humans have undergone scientific research to isolate and alter compounds in the opium poppy to produce more effective pain medication. Now that another source of opiates has been discovered, there's no telling what kinds of things can be learned and produced from the study of kratom.

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