Monday, June 24, 2013


How to preform a CWE.

CWE stands for cold water extraction. Its purpose is to extract active ingredients from a pill that contains paracetamol, or Tylenol. Tylenol causes irreversible damage to the liver when taken in doses exceeding 4 grams, which is a relatively low amount considering Vicodin and many other popular painkillers contain 500mg of Tylenol per pill.

The first step is the gather the supplies we need for our CWE. We will need:
A plain coffee filter
Pills containing undesirable Tylenol, we'll say Vicodin for now.
A cup

Now that you have your materials, we'll begin the process. When your done, I guarantee that you'll question the intelligence of those who have overdosed on paracetamol containing pharmaceuticals.

1. You need to powder your pills. A pill crusher, or simply a folded piece of paper will do fine

2. Add water to your powdered pill mixture. About 1 tablespoon of water per pill will do.

3. Give it a good mixing

4. Put your pill slurry into the fridge or freezer. Note: We're only trying to chill it, not freeze it.

5. Shake your chilled mixture and pour it through a coffee filter

6. Enjoy your purified Tylenol-free drugs.

The white powder left behind in the coffee filter is the undesirable Tylenol, and the liquid is what contains the desired drugs.

As an optional step, you can filter the solution multiple times to make sure you get all of the desired drug into the final liquid.

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