Friday, June 28, 2013

Corruption in Food Product Industries: What is Monsanto?

The FDA began with good intentions
      The health effects of food consumed in America, particularly pre-packaged and fast food items should be an area of great concern for every American citizen. If not for the health effects themselves, then for the dark shroud of corruption concerning the laws and practices allowing these things to be consumed by citizens in the first place. The FDA administration was created by Theodore Roosevelts cabinet in 1906 to prevent just that, to prevent the American people from eating and being sold food that would harm them. Now in modern times the FDA and affiliates associated are the ones behind the approval of these dangers in our food.

 So what the hell is Monsanto? Some bad gentleman, that's who!
     According to an article on the news website IVN.US, a man named Michael R. Taylor was the Vice President of Public Policy for Monsanto all throughout the 90's. Monsanto is a chemical, seed, and genetic engineering company. They invent and patent GMO species of plants, growth hormones, self-terminating seeds, etc and are the subject of many controversies in modern times. During the time Michael R. Taylor was with Monsanto, he was overseeing the making and testing of Monsantos soon to be flagship growthe hormone, rBGH. In the late 90's, Taylor left his position in Monsanto, to become the Comissioner of Policy for the FDA.

The charming face of government corruption
Before Taylors joining of the FDA, the FDA was discussing policy it should make reguarding the growth hormone rBGH. When Taylor became the new commissioner of policy, the policy prospects took a rapid turn. The FDA had the creators of rBGH, Monsanto, to fund testing on the growth hormone to test its safety. As probably expected, the Monsanto funded testing showed rBGH to be completely safe and peachy. The FDA based their rBGH policy on Monsanto study alone. All while being lead by Michael R. Taylor, who years prior was working in the Monsanto lab to create the very same hormone.

     The growth hormone rBGH has been tested multiple times after the Monsanto study, and has been found to be of serious health risks to both the livestock and consumers of the livestocks product. rBGH is used to mimic hormones that signal the animal to stary growing, in laymans terms. RBGH causes high levels of IFG, or insulin like growth factor to secrete into the blood. The more IFG, the greater the risk of cancers such as breast, lung, prostate, and colon cancer. It is even stated very plainly in Journal of the National Cancer Institute, that “Role of the insulin like growth increased cancer develupment and prognosis in healthy individuals”. This isn't all though, not even close. According to a Food and Water Watch factsheet, “Cows receiving 1 injection daily for 1 weed had a 6x increase of IFG in their tissue and milk”. In addition to that, the pregnancy rates of those cows dropped as low as 37% after the week was over.

Typical cow treated with rBGH
     RBGH and IFG are readily absorbed into humans from rBGH treated animal products. This includes milk, and meat alike. When we eat rBGH treated meat or drink rBGH treated milk, a number of things happen, none of which a human would agree to if proposed to.

    These chemicals can literally reek havoc on your body, no matter how healthy you are! They are especially damaging to our thyroid. After suffering a constant barrage of harmful chemicals, our thyroids stop functioning correctly and we become extremely tired and lethargic. Can't get out of bed in the morning like your made of lead weights, but at night you can never seem to fall asleep? That's the tell-tale symptom that your THYROID IS DAMAGED. We are bombarded by hundreds of dangerous chemicals hidden in our food, and we are so used to operating at such a low capacity that it seems normal. ITS NOT! You would be surprised how much daily intake of these harmful chemicals change everything from your health, even your PERSONALITY! If you change your lifestyle and eating habits, rearing away from unprocessed foods you can begin the reverse the damage your thyroid has been sustaining for decades. But some people can't afford quality food, or simply don't have access to it. I've found a thyroid support supplement after countless all-nighters of intense research that is THE BEST one i've found for reversing these types of damage. Seriously, when you've spent your whole life at 10% capacity, suddenly switching to 100% is an unforgettable feeling. Do you body a favor and at least read into this supplement a little bit, it WILL change, and enhance your life. The page for this cure EVERYONE should be made aware of is below. Its not my product so can't go into too many details about it. However in the link it contains all the pharmacological information and goes in depth on how it works with your body.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What is organic? Why organic? Simple. It's healthy food

 What is organic? Why organic? Its a question many people are asking about especially considering the fact we're living in 2013.

Its not that organic foods hold an ancient magic inside them that will suddenly turn you into a human with perfect health and full of energy. Don't get me wrong, organic food, or health food as some call it is amazing in every way and will better the health and life of everyone who partakes in eating them. Just, for a different reason you might think. Your still probably asking the question "why organic?", why should I eat organic foods when they're more expensive than the regular food that is just as good?

The secret behind organic foods improving peoples lives as much as they do is simply because of HOW EXTREMELY DAMAGING "normal" food is to ANYONE'S body. Your body, your loved ones body, yes, even your own children's body.

Why organic? Wouldn't it hurt me just as much as normal food? Hell no. Normal food as we call it contains a lot of things you don't want going inside of your body.

Ingredients banned in countries around the world, but NOT the USA:

 BHA and BHT
 Synthetic hormones: rBGH and rBST
 brominated flour
 Brominated vegetable oil
 blue 1, blue 2, yellow 5, and yellow 6

This is really scary stuff no matter who you are. EVERYONE eats food right?

 This looks like an ANTI SMOKING AD for god sakes, and yet these are rather common ingredients all found in non-organic foods. Especially pre-packaged foods, and already prepared meals. A lot of people can't afford to pay for the absurd price for organic food, but now you don't have to worry! There's a guide I've used for for over 2 years now to grow my own organic food and it has improved my life significantly!

********    And no, there are not hot local singles looking to hook up in the link :P

And those are just the additives to food. I won't even go into round-up soaked fruits and veggies that happen to be genetically modified round-up resistant. Too bad humans aren't.

What people simply call "health food" isn't really healthy for you, its just normal compared to all the HAZARDOUS food we eat instead. Think training weights. If you have big heavy weights on your ankles all day, its going to feel pretty damn good to take them off. Healthy food is the same, when you eliminate the training weights with organics you'll restore your body to how it should be.

Monday, June 24, 2013

3 types of meditation techniques

Meditation is something we have all come across at some point. To some it is seen as quieting of the mind, to others it is the act of mindfulness.

Most of us westerners see meditation as a pointless waste of time, especially in the high speed world we are living in today. However, there are actually a vast number of benefits to meditation that cure a number of ailments the west suffers from. Anxiety, depression, stress just to name a few. Being able to sit down and remove oneself from the stresses of everyday life is a very useful skill to possess.

Many of you i'm sure have at least given meditation a shot, but the information available for HOW to meditate is extremely vague and next to useless. Here i'm going to go in depth and talk about 5 meditation techniques and what they can do for you.

Zazen: Zen meditation

Zen meditation is a Japanese practice, and its perhaps the most widely known form of meditation out there

To practice the zen method, first find a comfortable quite spot and sit criss-cross-applesauce. If your not used to the cross-legged position, putting a folded cloth or thin pillow under your butt will help you stay comfortable. 

Once seated, keep your back neck and shoulders straight with good posture. The zen method is characterized by intense focus on one single object. This focus is the equivalent to mental weightlifting, the more you work the muscle the stronger it becomes. 

An object such as a lit candle is an excellent tool to use for this. With the eyes partially open and partially closed, focus with every fibre of your being on the candle flame. You may find your minds thoughts will very quickly wander away from the candle. When this happens, simply bring your attention back the the candle.

At first, your thoughts will wander away from the candle every 2 seconds, and that is normal. With practice, you'll be able to train your focus to stay on the candle for significantly longer periods of time. During the time your mind is focused on the candle and not wandering to other thoughts, is when you are in a meditative state.

Eventually, the candle will no longer be necessary, and you'll find you can enter the meditative state at any time in any situation.

Vipassana: Mindfulness meditation

Vipassana meditation is a method of mediation taught by Satya Narayan Goenka. It is a widely taught form of mediation and there are schools teaching it worldwide. Its characterized by striving to remain constantly in the present time, and not the past or future. 

To practice Vipassana meditation, you begin much like other mediation methods by sitting cross legged in a comfortable area keeping the back straight and retaining good posture. 

To begin meditating, you divert all of your focus to your breathing. Anytime other thoughts arise, you simply remind yourself to focus on your breathing.

Once you become aware of your breath itself, then you begin to focus on the bodily sensations your breath is creating. Feel the air as it enters and exits your lungs, visualize the air traveling in and out of your lungs. 

You shouldn't be forcing yourself to breathe, instead one should simply observe the natural breathing your body does for you.

What you are accomplishing by doing this, is placing awareness on what your bodily senses are experiencing RIGHT NOW, in the present moment. When you practice this method, eventually you will develop the ability to exist purely in the present moment at all times.

Practicing Vipassana gives you insight on how your body reacts to every external stimuli it encounters. Instead of become blinded by rage, or burdened by sadness, the Vipassana practitioner knows those are simply unconscious reactions from the body. Since he knows this, he can prevent any kind of negative reaction his body will have because he is mindful of the present moment.

Mantra Meditation

Mantra mediation is the last form of meditation on this list, but certainly not the least. Mantra meditation is the simplest form of meditation on this list. 

To start, sit in a comfortable place, cross your legs and straighten your posture. Sunlight is always a plus.

Now before we can go further, you need to have a mantra to recite. Mantra choice is very personal, there are hundreds to choose from and each have their own qualities and power associated with them. A mantra is basically a short prayer, usually in Sanskrit. 

A few beginner mantras are: 
So Hum
OM Namah Shivaya
OM Hare Krishna
OM Mani Padme Hung

While seated with the eyes closed, you then begin to recite your mantra. Prayer beads are often used to aid in counting the number of repetitions, but are not necessary. 

Then you allow yourself to become completely absorbed into the mantra. Focus on the sensations you feel as your reciting it, how your vocal chords are vibrating, and how the sound is carrying around the room. Your mind may wander to random topics and memories, but when you notice this simply bring your attention back the mantra your reciting. Your mind will wander, but much less so than with the other two methods of meditation above. Its more difficult for your mind to loose focus when you reciting words than when its sitting in absolute silence.

After awhile, you'll have entered a trance like state where the only thing that exists is the sound of your mantra and the plane of your mind. This is a meditative state.

Its believed mantras are also a way of projecting positive energy from yourself to the rest of the universe. The national mantra of Tibet, OM Mani Padme Hung is believed a powerful healing mantra that spreads the essence of true compassion throughout the universe. The Tibetans believe reciting the mantra, or simply turning a wheel containing the mantra is one of the highest and noblest deeds a human can perform.


How to preform a CWE.

CWE stands for cold water extraction. Its purpose is to extract active ingredients from a pill that contains paracetamol, or Tylenol. Tylenol causes irreversible damage to the liver when taken in doses exceeding 4 grams, which is a relatively low amount considering Vicodin and many other popular painkillers contain 500mg of Tylenol per pill.

The first step is the gather the supplies we need for our CWE. We will need:
A plain coffee filter
Pills containing undesirable Tylenol, we'll say Vicodin for now.
A cup

Now that you have your materials, we'll begin the process. When your done, I guarantee that you'll question the intelligence of those who have overdosed on paracetamol containing pharmaceuticals.

1. You need to powder your pills. A pill crusher, or simply a folded piece of paper will do fine

2. Add water to your powdered pill mixture. About 1 tablespoon of water per pill will do.

3. Give it a good mixing

4. Put your pill slurry into the fridge or freezer. Note: We're only trying to chill it, not freeze it.

5. Shake your chilled mixture and pour it through a coffee filter

6. Enjoy your purified Tylenol-free drugs.

The white powder left behind in the coffee filter is the undesirable Tylenol, and the liquid is what contains the desired drugs.

As an optional step, you can filter the solution multiple times to make sure you get all of the desired drug into the final liquid.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

This is why LSD is practically non-existant

William Leonard Pickard studied neurobiology at U.C. Berkeley, and later graduated from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard with degrees in chemistry and public policy. For a couple of years he worked as the deputy director of UCLA's Drug Policy Analysis Program. Within the psychedelic community, Pickard's notoriety stems from his arrests related to illicit drug manufacturing, concluding with the infamous "Kansas missile silo" bust in November of 2000, when he was arrested on charges of conspiracy to distribute LSD and possession with the intent to distribute and dispense LSD. After being found guilty at trial, his partner Clyde Apperson received a thirty-year prison sentence, while Pickard got two life sentences. The arrest came about due to their associate Gordon Todd Skinner, a DEA informant. (In matters not directly related to the missile silo case, Skinner was, himself, later arrested and convicted of assault, kidnapping, and conspiracy charges, receiving a "life plus 90 years" prison sentence.)

In a March 31, 2003 DEA press release it was claimed that the Pickard/Apperson bust represents "the largest LSD lab seizure ever made by the Drug Enforcement Administration", with "approximately 41.3 kilograms" of LSD having been seized. These ideas regarding the magnitude of the lab's LSD production have been widely reported and often repeated, yet they appear to be vast exaggerations. Although a DEA forensic chemist's testimony later revealed that the "actual amount of all the exhibits containing LSD was 198.9 grams of LSD", it has been pointed out by one reporter that even that figure was an extrapolated estimate rather than a known quantity. And despite the November 20, 2003 testimony from the aforementioned DEA chemist, the "approximately 41.3 kilograms" figure remains posted on the DEA's website. Within a paper delivered in absentia at the World Psychedelic Forum in March of 2008, Pickard's own thoughts regarding "International LSD Prevalence - Factors Affecting Proliferation and Control" were voiced.

From behind bars, Pickard continues to fight for his freedom and to draw attention to the ways in which the DEA maintains records on U.S. citizens. He recently published an article about the Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Information System titled "DEA's NADDIS System: A Guide for Attorneys, the Courts, and Researchers".

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What is kratom? What are the effects of kratom?

What is kratom?

The main active compound in kratom is 7-hydroxymitragynine, which is a μ-opioid receptor agonist. There are very few naturally occurring sources of μ-opioid receptor agonists in nature, in fact before kratom was studied, there was thought to be only one.

The effects of kratom are similar to your typical opiate drugs. Euphoria, sense of wellbeing, relaxation, pain relief, etc. Kratom is unique in the sense that different doses provide a very different range of effects. In lower doses, kratom is stimulating and mildy euphoric, usually used for hard work days and to stave off fatigue. Its used in this manor very regularly in Southeastern Asia, the area kratom is native to. In higher doses however, kratom becomes very sedating and highly euphoric. The user experiences muscle relaxation, powerful waves of euphoria, and a very strong sense of wellbeing similar to the feeling attained from the sweet embrace of a lover.

 Kratom is legal in virtually the entire western world. Kratom can completely replace medication taken by chronic pain patients, and VERY effectively cure addicts of their addictions. Kratom has been used to cure withdrawing addicts in southeast asia for centuries, it is tried and true.

 Recent and future studies of kratom is a very exiting field, as kratom has not been scientifically studied until only very recent years. Previous to kratom, the only known source of opiates was the poppy plant, or papaver somniferum. Every pharmaceutical and illegal opiate on earth are produced from the opium poppy. Humans have undergone scientific research to isolate and alter compounds in the opium poppy to produce more effective pain medication. Now that another source of opiates has been discovered, there's no telling what kinds of things can be learned and produced from the study of kratom.


Welcome to IllegalNarcotics!

Drugs are a very controversial topic in todays society. As a result, people tend to not know shit about the real effects of these substances on humans. Instead, they are typically reciting a mantra along the lines of "drugs are bad, mmkaaay?"

Here at IllegalNarcotics, we've set out on a mission to provide information about any substance on the face of the earth that has documented mind altering properties. Be it drugs only recently introduced to the market that are still legal, substances that have had documented human usage for thousands of years, even obscure yet widely available and legal herbs that possess very powerful effects.